Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Sense of Place

The first brief.

At first I was fairly fazed by the whole idea and the different ways that we could go about completing this brief, but after we had a group discussion I found it much easier to process all the different ideas which were flying around my head. Within the brief there are five different themes: exploring the city, the city as a species of spaces, the city as a system of objects, the city as image and the city as language. In order to complete this task we must concentrate on the purpose of the observer and what they want to find out whilst completing this project.
During the group discussion we looked at a number of different aspects, including artists, designers, authors and musicians. By doing this it gives us a broad spectrum of different types of producers who all do something which is to do with the briefs title. We developed a number of post it notes which were then stuck to one of the walls within the studio. We also received our concertina sketchbook which would be a catalogue of primary and secondary research.