

Today I had my first studio tutorial with Robert Walmsley. We talked about a number of different things concerning our first studio brief - A Sense of Place.
He suggested that our first step was to look at people. Either by looking at portrait artists or documenting people within the town during a busy period. Then we take influence from whatever the artist we have researched has created in order to create our own ideas but influenced by their style.
Richard Billingham, Martin Parr, Homeswood, Conrad, XPatrickThomas
We needed to look at movement and navigation, so how people get around the area, what forms of navigation do they use - sign posts, posters, arrows etc.
British Road Signs Exhibition
Two elements of a city merged together.
Psychogeography - Tate
First few pages - mind map with ideas about themes and personal ideas.
Sections for each word from each theme.
Do secondary research first because then primary will become much easier.

Find something that triggers your inner designer.


Today with Rob we discussed what got out passions flowing, and what we were going to try and broadly focus our project around. I came up with the idea of looking at the place of real ale within different places and i am going to run with that. I decided that i was going to try and get in touch with mallinsons and magic rock brewery in order to go and take photos. And i also said that i am going to try and visit manchester at some point in the next week. He also said that i desperately need to move on with my primary research and this will be one of my main focuses for the next week.


During todays session I mainly focused on my primary research and how I could create something that was incredibly visually interesting. I have visited Manchester during the previous weekend and thought that id develop the images that i captured. So I created a number of collages across about four or five pages and i also added annotation to these pieces, along with location typography. I also began to edit some images that I have taken of Liverpool for my next studio day.


During todays session I spoke to Rob again to get guidance on whether my images were appropriate or not. He said that they were and I was to carry on doing what I was doing. I also decided that i was going to take advantage of all of the breweries and pubs which are located around Huddersfield so I could create a research file which was specific to my project. I planned to photograph the pub which i work at - The Corner. I also spoke to Mallinsons Brewing Co. to find out whether or not it would be possible for me to photograph the brewery as well.


During this week i have had the chance to visit both The Corner and Mallinsons in order to take photographs which i can use in my sketchbook. I also plan to visit Liverpool during the weekend so that i can take pictures there too. During todays session i have edited and displayed these images in an interesting way. I have spoken to Rob to ensure that what i am doing is appropriate for my project and he has agreed that it is.


I gained the opportunity to visit Magic Rock Brewing Co. to photograph their brewery and their taproom which are both in the same location so it made it even easier to get the best photos. I put these into my sketchbook and then experimented using acetate sheets which i printed onto and then layered over the top of the images which i had taken. I also finished my Yorkshire Sculpture Park page which included photography and drawings which i have created. I also finished my secondary research today.


During this week we got given the second part of the brief which meant that we needed to create a presentation and a product which is relevant to the research which we compiled. I decided that i wanted to produce something which would be simple to create and would be able to be sold within various locations. I decided that i needed to research more breweries and look into how they sell their products. I looked at Partisan, Two Roads and Whim Ales, this has allowed me to look at how diverse Ale advertising is.


This session was spent gathering all the components which i would need for my product, i decided that i was going to create a gift box, it would be made for the company Mallinsons and i wanted to make sure that it captured the traditional style of the company, therefore i included a map of Huddersfield from 1922 to include that style. I also decided that i was going to lino print over the top of the piece to make it look slightly modern and interesting looking, i created the stencils during this session.


During todays session i created my presentation, unfortunately i didn't know how to use InDesign so i decided to create it on PowerPoint. I tried to work out InDesign but unfortunately i wasnt feeling too well and my patience got the better of me. I created my product during this week therefore it is finished in time for the presentation. I have been able to photograph it and make sure that every aspect of it is how i wanted it to be created.


Today was the day of the presentation, after presenting it to my peers i had a fair amount of feedback which i need to consider:

  • learn to use indesign - this point is fair enough and next time i try to use it i will use in order to get tips and instructions on how to use it
  • look into vintage typography, map artists, more beers
  • consider the font size and image size within the presentation
  • use graphics burger to create mock ups
  • find out more context behind printing
In order to improve my presentation i am going to create it again on InDesign even if it is basic but i will learn how to use the software. I will also add more research into my sketchbook which is related to Breweries and different styles of advertising. I will also make sure that there is a constant house style throughout the presentation so that it is all in keeping. I will research other printing techniques and display information about the chosen technique.

I am going to add a full blog post about this particular session and the final piece which i had created.