Sunday, 30 October 2016

One True Sentence

During this seminar we got the chance to practice our essay writing skills. We were presented with a quote from Ernest Hemingley which said "Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know."
From this we were presented with a picture of a bear sat on a chair and we had to write one true sentence, followed by the same sentence but with different parts of added detail. My final sentence was:
The bear was a hazy hue of brown, with sharp claws and its pink tongue sticking out of its mouth. It was sat on an old garden chair with stained arm rests. The door slowly opened behind him. He hadn't eaten all day.

From this exercise we then moved onto pieces which we had collected and we applied the same technique to the pieces. My final sentence was:
The girl wears a scarf with the Stussy logo and style printed all over it, along with an array of chains. Therefore minimalist culture is present. Her makeup is minimal and slightly smudged in order to be in keeping with her current style.

This technique has allowed me to understand how to start off with something quite simple, and then make it into a short paragraph with a great amount of detail about something. I found this seminar incredibly useful.