Thursday, 4 May 2017

Final After Effects Workshop

During todays session with Sarah we completed our final After Effects piece. This piece needed to have something in it which flew from right to left, it also needed to be something that was in the sky. My idea was a rocket, and therefore I created this using Adobe Illustrator.
I took inspiration from an image I'd seen online to create this image, which I then separated into different layers so that I could work more with it when I imported it onto After Effects.
                    I then created two further images which I would be able to use within my space scene. I used fade effects on both images when creating them on Adobe Illustrator in order to make them in-keeping with my rocket. I wanted to keep them still in my animation, which would make the rocket look like it was flying around them within the solar system. Therefore I would add a continuous effect onto each planet in order to make them bob up and down throughout the entirety of the animation. Below is my final animation, which I created using the skills which I had learnt in the previous workshops, I found this incredibly interesting and it also gave me the opportunity to develop my After Effects skills even further. 

Final Project - Rocket In Space from Jessica Mountford on Vimeo.

Once we had all finished, we sent our animations to Sara who then put them all into one large video, which can be seen below. This was incredibly useful and helpful as it gave us the chance to see other peoples work and what they had achieved throughout the previous weeks.

Group B Finale - 16:40 from Motion-go on Vimeo.