Friday, 5 May 2017

Final Wixsite

During one of Sara's last sessions, we were told that we had to develop three of our Process and Production workshops and display them using either Persona or an alternative site. I chose to use Wix as I have used it before and it is less complicated than Persona. I added a separate page for each different development so that they are easy to distinguish between. I also tried to make the page interactive.

Due to the fact that some of my images have pixelated, I have added the blog link at the end of each page so that you can refer back to the original post if the images are not of a high quality.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

After Effects Book Trailer Development

At the start of term one of the first sessions which we had with Sara was to create a book trailer. I decided to focus on a children's story - Cinderella. My first book trailer didn't go very well and therefore I wanted to improve it. I wanted to create a number of illustrations, which I would combine with my developed After Effects skills and knowledge.

Firstly I planned out what I was going to include in my piece. I figured out a total of five illustrations - Cinderella in her messy clothes, Cinderella at the ball, a pumpkin, an invitation and a glass slipper. These would all be recognisable aspects from the story and therefore making it easily recognisable. I then started to create them. They are all 1920 x 1080 pixels, which is the screen size what I used for the animation itself.

These illustrations were inspired by Hungry Sandwich Club and their Park project which was made for B4 Parking. The illustrations that they have created have no outline, and they are incredibly simple, which is something which I wanted to include within my work. The characters that they have created have minimal features, but for my work I wanted my characters to have no features, so that the audience purely recognised them for their colours and forms, this therefore making my animation more intriguing and interesting. I have enjoyed looking at Hungry Sandwich Club's work as it has gave me ideas for future projects, it will be a great reference for me to use in the future. 

This is the animation which I created next. The transitions of the illustrations work well. But I think it needs to be made simpler. From looking at other book trailers for children, they are incredibly simple with minimal information and mainly the same font. Meaning that they are clearly and easily understood. Therefore I developed this even further and created another piece.

This is my final animation, after much development and trial and error, I have settled on the font Futura to use throughout the piece, this is a font which is recognisable worldwide and it is also incredibly easy to read therefore making it perfect for my purpose. I chose to use various sizing techniques on the first part of text which appears within the animation, this makes the emphasis and the attention focus mainly on the title of the book "Cinderella", which is an important part of the trailer. I also added the type writer effect to this section of text as I thought it would look interesting and also build up a sense of wonder for when the audience is watching it. I added more text throughout, but instead of making it fly of the screen like in my previous piece, I decided to make it extremely simple so that it was east to read. Also, by having minimal text it makes it much easier to view the illustrations, which are the most interesting parts of the animation. The overall transitions work well within the animation and I am very happy with how it has turned out. 

Final After Effects Workshop

During todays session with Sarah we completed our final After Effects piece. This piece needed to have something in it which flew from right to left, it also needed to be something that was in the sky. My idea was a rocket, and therefore I created this using Adobe Illustrator.
I took inspiration from an image I'd seen online to create this image, which I then separated into different layers so that I could work more with it when I imported it onto After Effects.
                    I then created two further images which I would be able to use within my space scene. I used fade effects on both images when creating them on Adobe Illustrator in order to make them in-keeping with my rocket. I wanted to keep them still in my animation, which would make the rocket look like it was flying around them within the solar system. Therefore I would add a continuous effect onto each planet in order to make them bob up and down throughout the entirety of the animation. Below is my final animation, which I created using the skills which I had learnt in the previous workshops, I found this incredibly interesting and it also gave me the opportunity to develop my After Effects skills even further. 

Final Project - Rocket In Space from Jessica Mountford on Vimeo.

Once we had all finished, we sent our animations to Sara who then put them all into one large video, which can be seen below. This was incredibly useful and helpful as it gave us the chance to see other peoples work and what they had achieved throughout the previous weeks.

Group B Finale - 16:40 from Motion-go on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Final Designs and Evaluation

Once I had completed my final designs I printed them off and took them into The Corner. I did this so that I could not only see what they looked like printed out but also how they looked actually in the venue, to make sure that the style that I had created suited the establishment well. This also gave me the opportunity to get opinions from both the manager and assistant manager, along with a couple of opinions from customers who were in that day.

I then wrote an extensive evaluation of my project, which contains all the information about what I think I have achieved well, what I haven't done well, and what I could do next time if I were to do the project again. This means that I am able to be self critical which is very important when being in this industry.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Design Development

I then moved onto the actual design stage of my project, as I feel that I have compiled a large research file which will be incredibly useful for me to use as inspiration throughout the process. I firstly started by stating all of the necessary information to include, such as times, options, allergy information, prices and location. This enabled me to then figure out a hierarchy of what needed to go where on the page.

I then moved onto the actual designs, where I followed the fonts that I had planned to use, along with taking influence from the Yard and Coop branding which I found very interesting and aesthetically pleasing. These pages also show screenshots of how I have chosen fonts and how I have changed certain aspects of the various designs. 

I then displayed what I think are my best designs and therefore my final designs, which were accompanied by a short review about what I have done in order to achieve the final outcome. 

Blackboard Influence and Yard and Coop Branding

I knew within my menus I wanted to use some form of flowing font, and therefore I have researched into blackboard types and designs, which has given me the insight into what kind of layout along with design that I want to use within my menu designs.

I have also created a profile within my project, which is for the branding of Yard and Coop which was produced by Diagram Design. I was particularly interested by this design as it contained aspects which I found visually interesting, along with it being incredibly well structure. 

Overview, Colour Scheme and Typeface Development

During the next section of my project, I have reviewed what I have found during my menu research. And then I began the design research, meaning that I made a colour scheme which I thought would go well with my project, along with beginning to work out the different type faces which I would use for the various different parts of my project.

Northern Soul and Menu Influence

Next I moved onto looking into the theme of Northern Soul and what it has contributed to design. Along with finding inspirational imagery which I thought would be useful for me during the design process. I found this information off a number of blogs and websites, this therefore enabled me to gain a lot of information quickly, which is incredibly useful for me to use in the design process of my project.

I then moved onto broader research, I used Pinterest in order to gain a number of different menu designs which are already in the public eye. This was incredibly useful as it would aid me in the design process and I would be able to gain inspiration from different designs in order to make my own designs. 

As I had compiled a large amount of secondary research, I wanted to find some menus which I had taken pictures of myself, and therefore this would mean it was primary research. I reviewed the two menus that I got extensively, therefore allowing me to review and pick out what aspects of the menu I like and dislike. 

The Brief

To begin this project I planned out exactly what I wanted to achieve and how I was going to do it. I made a word document which displayed the exact information which I wanted to include on each page. I decided to re-design the menus which are available at The Corner, which is a new pub which has opened within Huddersfield. It is currently where I work and therefore I have access to all of the information which I will need to include within my project.

I began my project by creating an InDesign document, which I would use to display all of the work which I want to include within my project. I began by creating a front cover along with a proposal page and some other basic information about my project, and why I wanted to create it.

I then moved onto researching the establishment, and what it stood for and what it wanted to achieve. And I also reviewed the current menus, and demonstrated that they were incredibly dull and boring. One could also say that they were difficult to read, along with being poorly laid out.