Thursday, 27 April 2017

After Effects: Speed and Motion

During this session with Sara, we learnt about movement and speed within After Effects. Previous to this session we were asked to create a character, which had limbs on separate layers meaning that we could easily animate them however we wanted. I created an alien and also a background scene using Illustrator.

I wanted to animate my alien so that it pointed at something to the right and then moved over into that direction. I learnt how to use the position and rotation tool along, whilst considering the point on the timeline in which i wanted to movement to occur. I chose a space theme as I thought it would be something quite simple for me to draw on Illustrator, whilst it looking effective once I had animated it. Once I had figured out which parts needed to be animated and it ran relatively smoothly, I rendered  my ten second clip to the correct settings. The finished video is embedded below.

Speed & Motion from Jessica Mountford on Vimeo.

I found this session incredibly useful, and it taught me even more about the basics of after effects. During the making process i also added some stars which flashed in and out using the opacity feature. I found this by using a simple youtube tutorial which instructed me on how to do this.