Monday, 13 March 2017

Post Production

During todays lecture we learnt a number of different things about post production, a process which happens after production and often means to develop something that has been produced to create something new.

Postproduction can be defined as…

The stage in the production of a media output, typically involving editing and the addition of other elements
The set of processes applied to recorded material, e.g. montage, the inclusion of other visual or audio sources, subtitling, voice overs and special effects.
Taking data that has been captured and cutting it up, moving it around, filtering and shaping it into a finished work.

What is digital media

Nicholas Bourriaud, Postproduction 2002
The artistic question is no longer ‘what can we make that is new’ but ‘ how can we make do what we have’ artists today program forms more than they compose them. 
Use parts of other things to create our own things.
How are cultural practitioners using ‘postproduction’, according to Bourriaud
By creating hybridised art forms emerging out of interdisciplinary media arts practices.
Using new media technologies to both compose their art work as well as display it and or stream it through the networked space
Marcel Duchamp - the Readymade as postproduction. Fountain 1917
To create is to insert an object into a new context or scenario; to consider it an element of a bigger narrative. In a sense, the works journey becomes part of dialogic process - each artistic curatorial or interpretive decision made on its behalf might be compared to conversational turn taking.

Marshall Macluhan, The Medium is the Massage. - different way of presenting the same information - postproduction of the original text.

Postproduction as dialogue: in Tacit Dean, Trying to Find the Spiral Jetty (1997)

In art or literature - construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.
Bricolage does not necessarily need to have a clear end in sight
Bricolage means to engage in a dialogue with a heterogeneous collection of materials and tools in which items are repurposed and rearranged to solve a problem (Sharpes et al 2014)
Bricolage is a french word that means the process of improvisation in a human endeavour. the word is derived from the French verb bricoler (to tinker), with the english term DIY being the closest equivalent of the contemporary french usage.

Lucy Kimble Post-producing postproduction, 2004.

Mark Amerika, Remix the book 2011
DIY trends in contemporary practice challenge 20th century notions of what an artist is.

William Boroughs developed literary cut ups, in which he created new art forms from previously made ones by blending images together in what we would call a collage. 

I found this lecture very interesting and the facts that we learnt demonstrates how design is forever evolving and developing in ways which we don't always see with the naked eye, until we are shown by someone else. I will research further into post production and find works which I find interesting and visually pleasing.

Carioca Studio rep. by JSR, 2014

I particularly like this piece, due to the fact that it would've simply been two hands before it was post produced. The designer has demonstrated that the world and nature is giving this bottle to the commercial and working world, therefore saying that the world is the beginning of all of our sources. This piece is visually interesting, along with having a deep meaning which can be clearly understood. 

I have also found a number of images which have been taken from Sovereign Studio, these images all demonstrate post production but in a way that is completely visual to anyone who sees them. I think that all of these images have been well produced, and they all convey different messages which are intended for the audience to understand.